Newsletter: Lesson #24: Keeping Track Of Your Professional Accomplishments

Hey – Walker and Davis here.

Happy Saturday morning to the Laying Foundations community!

Have you ever had to edit your resume or rack your brain to remember what you have done professionally or any certifications or licenses you’ve obtained during your career?

Today’s issue takes about 3 minutes to read and was written for you by Walker Lott.


Meme Of The Week

You will accumulate many certifications, licenses, and qualifications throughout your professional career. So, how do you keep track of everything, especially when you need to remember what you have so you can list them on your resume?

In this week’s newsletter, we will cover a few ways to stay organized and keep track of everything you have accomplished so the next time you need to list them on your resume or send them to an employer, client, etc., you aren’t forced to go back in your memory banks. 

Way #1: Keep A Designated Folder Specifically For Your Accomplishments.

This is easier said than done because for this to be successful, you have to do it.

One way to remember everything is to make sure every time you complete a certification, license, etc., you add all the documentation and study materials to a folder on your computer and save it somewhere you won’t lose it. 

I know there have been many times when I was forced to jump down a rabbit hole to find what I needed.

Way #2: Immediately Add Accomplishments / Career Highlights To Your Resume 

Again, this is easier said than done because it requires some frontloaded work on your part.

When something big happens that you want to document for future purposes, update your resume to reflect the change. That way, when you send your resume out, you already have your accomplishments listed.

Way #3: Keep A Notes List In Your Phone

Now, whether you have an iPhone, Android, or even a Google phone, there should be a way to take notes. 

The notes app has become my best friend for remembering things, especially people’s names. But it is also great for remembering miscellaneous items such as your licenses or accomplishments. 

Keep one note folder where you put everything you’ve done or accomplished; whenever you need to remember something, you can search for it.

Quality of the Week: Listening – The ability to stop and allow others to speak before you make your opinion known.

20-Year-Old Self Advice: Be Willing To Go The Extra Mile – You will never regret being the person who puts others first. Take time this week to consider how you can go the extra mile and make someone feel valued at work.

Now I know these may seem obvious to you but remember, the only way something works is if you do it. 

I have a hard time implementing things like this because I say to myself, “I’ll just do it later,” but in an effort to improve personally, I have to force myself to do it now and not “later.” Because later never happens. 

So I challenge you, what can you start doing right now instead of waiting for “later?”

Check out episode 103 on The Laying Foundations Podcast!

Join us for our conversation with the co-founder of Jet.Build, Adam Stark. Adam started his career in the Israeli Airborne Special Forces and became VP of the Construction & Redevelopment firm in New York. After working through the ownership side of construction for years, Adam and his business partner Joseph began to build an app from scratch to help streamline data where all party stakeholders use the same software. If you want to learn more, be sure to check out next week’s podcast, where we start part two with Adam Stark.

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